Covered 365: Day 206

House of Mystery #206, DC Comics, September 1972. Artist: Tony DeZuniga.

Psychiatrist’s office – “Mr. Durajlija you seem to have an obsession with Scarecrows, tell me about your childhood on the farm”… Tony DeZuniga draws a mean scarecrow on the cover of House of Mystery #206, he had to come in hard though didn’t he stepping in after epic cover runs from Neal Adams and Bernie Wrightson.

I like Keith Pollard’s cover to Fantastic Four #206, again this is one of those covers that sold the book out of the bins while many of the issues around it sat and collected dust.

Would Action Comics #206 be THE wedding cover to have? I once went to a wedding where every table had a different wedding cover comic as its centrepiece, I sat at the Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21 table. There were a lot of wedding covers but sadly no Action Comics #206.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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David Mackay
David Mackay
5 years ago

Keith Pollard seemed like a rising star to me at the time, but quickly disappointed. Its almost as if he lost interest?
I do miss DC horror line and every time you Highlight one of their covers, I get nostalgic Walt. The Charlton horror stuff of the era was also fun.
I guess years of fruitlessly waiting in your fathers pumpkin patch Walt, finally caught up with you. Resulting in the “Great Bumpkin” on the doctors treatment couch. 🙂

Christopher A Meli
Christopher A Meli
5 years ago

I thought about the House of Mystery but it is another “atmospheric” cover, no real story, and not up to the prior day’s House of Mystery.

The FF cover is solid but clearly not great. I picked the Action but I am not going to fight for “great” for it either.

#207 couldn’t be more different from #206, so many good covers. I think Strange Adventures is the real standout. This is such a striking cover and it showcases Adams’s ability to draw distinctive yet varied faces, in contrast to the “Kane faces” and “Smith faces”.

There are so many others that a list will have to suffice: Batman, Flash, House of Mystery, Our Army at War, Superman, Superman (1987), Tarzan (DC 1st issue), Wonder Woman (and Thor on the cusp). With some lack of objectivity I would pick Superman as the runner up.

David Mackay
David Mackay
5 years ago

Tarzan 207 is a great pick Chris