Superman #254, DC Comics, July 1972, Artist: Nick Cardy.
I’ve gained a new appreciation for Nick Cardy thanks to this column. I think his cover to Superman #254 is a standout.
Speaking of gaining a new appreciation, David Yardin has been a revelation, look at this cover to X-Factor #254.
I’ve always had an appreciation for Neal Adams but this column has brought a new appreciation for the sheer body of work at the highest level, Neal was and still is a monster. Adams’ cover to House of Mystery #254.
I took John Byrne for granted growing up but getting a daily dose of his work makes me wish I’d stopped and smelled the roses along the way. Something about this cover to Captain America #254, the inks and colours really stand out on this cover.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Was the Superman a veiled homage to Shazam and Billy Batson, with a little Freddy Freeman thrown in for good measure?
For the record, thumbs down. But Captain Superman Jr. is an interesting event. I can’t find a reference to the exact date that DC acquired the Fawcett rights, but it was 1972, so presumably it was early in 1972 and this cover either a tease before the deal was legally final, or an announcement. I rarely find Cardy’s work beyond workmanlike, and this standing around cover is not even a distinctive Cardy. Even replacing the lightning with Kirby krackle wouldn’t elevate it to runner-up status.
The Yardin cover is a nice piece of work but again standing around. Captain America remains the right choice.
Nothing truly outstanding for #255. I will go with Thor because it has it all. I could see that some would find it visually confusing but I bet it is really striking in high grade in person.
Marvel Tales is a nice Keith action piece, but no real story. Superman is a Cardy superior to today’s pick. Tarzan is solid if uninspiring. As funny animals go, Uncle Scrooge is pretty cool. And I prefer this Aparo World’s Finest wrap-around to the one mentioned on a prior day.
Adventure seems to have been an inspiration for the Star Trek episode where Kirk is split into two personalities.
A weak JOWA to ASM for the goofy ape monsters and scared guy.
If the cover wasn’t a slap you in the face reference enough with the “Billy” and the Freddy crutch… they slam their foot on your toes as well with the background lightening!! I also am not sure Cardy really caught Superman’s face right either! I am with Chris… Captain America wins with the X-Factor a close second…and the House of Mystery monster… Neal or no Neal, don’t get me started….
Wow, just wow to see my JOWA as the winner. At least you put Cap in the list, and for that I am grateful. I thought that Adams cover was interesting, but not as good as making the list.
For 255 I’ll choose X-Men Legacy with it’s father vs daughter motif. Great artistic capture of capes.
Runner’s up would be Marvel Tales by Keith, though Ghost Rider is a bit scrunched too much. Also Spectacular Spider-man is a nice cover by JR Jr.
Thor is busy and nicely colored, I just thought it funny to see the Viking ship and the attacking Easter Island rejects. Lastly, World’s Finest is leagues ahead of today’s offering. It’s like somebody else drew it, though it’s still Aparo.
JOWA goes to Iron Man with it’s ridiculous villain character.
Neal Adams said in a recent interview that this HoM cover is one of his all-time favourites…but I think it just looks goofy. Adams did some good HoM work, but for me all the best HoM and HoS covers are by Wrightson
Today just had a weak set of covers to choose from, and, as Chris mentioned yesterday, provided abundant JOWA material.
But among the many JOWA candidates, Iron Man #254 fully earned the award and grasped it with both hands with it’s Iron Man vs Santa cover, PLUS the awful tag line of “Ho-Ho Homicide”
Over the past week there seems like a Mutiny brewing, the Captain can do no right!
Man the oars!