Batman #292, DC Comics, October 1977. Artist: Jim Aparo.
Least amount of options today, I counted 36 covers to choose from.
At least there was a clear winner, Jim Aparo at it again with another strong cover for Batman #292.
Keith Pollard gives us one for the father/son album on the cover of Thor #292.
The only thing stopping me from choosing Hulk covers lately has been the Hulk himself, Al Milgrom (who I like as an artist) and Ron Wilson laid a few duds in recent issues but Kevin Nowlan wins me back with his cover to Hulk #292.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Liked all of today’s selections but for some reason I find myself favoring the Hulk #292 cover the best.
And even among the limited selection of covers for day 292, I thought there were several other contenders including:
– Daredevil #292
– House of Mystery #292
– X-Men #292
The Batman is not bad, but when I see a brown background Batman cover, I immediately think of Batman #244. And then it is game over for the cover being compared…
Seeing a quick falloff in covers to consider, it seems like making it to #300 is a real challenge for titles. For #293 nothing that I love but Daredevil is the pick – very cool use of the black, great 3D composition – however it is standing around and I don’t like DD’s face. Donald Duck is runner up as a beautifully drawn and colored gag cover.
I am sure you will note Four Color for The Brownies and World’s Finest for the swirlies, but neither of these do much for me. Also no on the Village People’s Kraven on ASM.
A nice giant hand on Thor and Detective continues to plumb the depths of primitivism.
Actually Chris… most if the primitivism painters could have done a better job on that Detective cover… one of the few instances I can agree with the old statement “A child could have made that!”
Oh… for the record I liked todays choices.