Incredible Hulk #340, Marvel Comics, February 1988. Artist: Todd McFarlane.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.
Similar to Thor #337 in its weight as a pop culture postcard and maybe even more so. Todd McFarlane gives us fodder for magnets, t-shirts and loads more merchandise with his iconic cover to Hulk #340.

To tell you the truth I like the aesthetics to Thor #340 more than the book above, Walt Simonson gives us lots of action and energy on the cover of Thor #340.

Tells you how good today is when Carmine Infantino’s cover to today’s Detective Comics #340 is better than yesterday’s winner Detective Comics #339.

I thank you all for being so patient and accepting of me with my Canadiana posts, Jim Gary even sets his Mountie against that sky blue colour I enjoy so much.

I like all these covers. That is one McFarlane I can get behind! The Thor reminds me if some of the Iconic Airboy covers from late 40’s early 50’s! I agree this Batman is a better cover yet both show off Infantino’s great command of tendering the human figure. I have no problem with a “Go Canuck” cover Walt!
C’mon people! Get in here! We only have to make it through a few weeks.
And today’s pick is a truly great cover. I do love the Thor but Hulk is really something special. Too bad everybody kept it in mint condition and it isn’t worth much. Also you have to admit that Thor is a steal from Frazetta’s Weird Science Fantasy #29, so the creativity points go to McFarlane.
Batman’s pose on Detective ruins that cover for me.
For #341, similar to today I really like the Simonson’s Mr. Foom on Thor, but I have to give the pick to DD for superior composition and of course some nice giant hands. (A copy of Strange Adventures #110 just sold at a very strong price – I have to believe giant hands are really coming back into fashion.) Speaking of giant hands, I do like Adventure although it has a dated feel.
Detective is shocking and Donald Duck is painful.
Captain America put in a good JOWA effort with Frenz’s sumo Captain America and Iron Man facing off, but Flash stands out as a JOWA for the ages, especially given Infantino’s brilliant rendering of this absolutely bizarre situation.
As we wind toward years end, and the number of daily covers dwindles, it a pleasure to open the column and find a truly iconic and great cover from McFarlane on HULK 340.
As someone is trying to complete a run of Batmobile covers, Detective 340 is also a well appreciated bonus.
Derrick! A run of Batmobile covers – love it !! How many could there be? 15? 50?
Nice pick as expected for today. Covers are getting smaller in quantity for competition, but at least there are some artists that we can count on.
For 341 I’ll give tops to Thor by Simonson for the fantastically rendered Fin Fang Foom. Just got to love the scale of Thor on his little mound.
Sienkiewicz does another nice DD cover with Kingpin going for a smother-hug on DD. FF is a nicely done piece as Rose-Bud ll skids down Galactus’ face, or at least that what it looks like. Hulk is a busily lined mess by McFarlane, but still draws attention. Aparo does a nice Batman, though the subject matter is….weird.
JOWA to Action for it’s split personalty battle number 2541. Flash is a nice runner up due to it’s uniqueness of headbanging, but it’s drawn nicely.