Covered 365: Day 360

Uncanny X-Men #360, Marvel Comics, October 1998. Artist: Jae Lee.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Jae Lee’s cover to X-Men #360 was the only cover today that gave me something to think about, his orange glow and use of light and shadow made for some nice eye candy.

I’ve always liked Curt Swan’s very busy cover to Action Comics #360, there’s lots to digest here.

How do I not pick Steve Epting and John Romita’s cover to Avengers, I didn’t really want to but you know I had no choice.

Hey Carlos Pacheco, how many awkward crotch shots can you fit on one cover…?

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1833


  1. That X-Men is an okay poster but that’s it. No story, no action. Pass.

    I almost mentioned Action #360. I can’t call it a great cover, but it is a really fun one. It seems like in that period the DC guys were willing to take more chances with the female superhero book covers.

    Is ASM #361 really the best pick? I say no. It is a great cover, but as I look at it, the distortion of Spidey’s anatomy is just too much. I have to make the call for Avengers. I love the composition, and the ethereal figure emerging from the logo is fantastic. The only other cover to mention is Action. I think this one is a photo finish with ASM – ASM is more classic because of its composition and color scheme, but Adams’s art on Action is far superior, and the 3D effect with Superman coming at you gives it more action (no pun etc.).

    Superman is another JOWA in a run of shamefully bad covers.

  2. While I think the X-Men 360 is drawn well it is simply a bunch of characters making poses… but, don’t know if it gets any better this day! I would lean toward Action tomorrow. Definitely don’t care for ASM because of that body distortion and the Avengers layout is fine…its the rendering I have trouble with mainly do to the character faces.

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