Covered 365: Day 361

Amazing Spider-Man #361, Marvel Comics, April 1992. Artist: Mark Bagley.

A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era

Mark Bagley’s cover to Amazing Spider-Man #361 is the one that leaves its mark on the view, striking and over the years it has become one of Spidey’s must have covers.

I should have given the day to Neal Adams for his cover to Action Comics #361 but I didn’t because I don’t like Sups playing the chum here getting black eyes from the likes of the Parasite.

I’m a guitar fan and there are certain players that use certain tones in a certain era, I end up gravitating towards more of a fuzz tone, like one of the amp bulbs is on the fritz. Cary Nord has been giving me a tone I’m really digging on his Daredevil run, like here on his cover to Daredevil #361.

Steve Epting has been appearing a lot on this column lately and for good reason, he’s a very talented artist with a great style, there’s a lot going on on his cover to Avengers #361.

Adam Kubert gives us a cool effect on his cover to X-Men #361.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1833


  1. Just how The Parasite was able to give Superman the shiners is a mystery to me but I back it over Spidey. Just can’t get past the weird body distortions of the characters!

  2. I like most of what Nord did but the Black Widow’s face ruins it for me – looks like a mannequin.

    #362 really came through with a lot of good covers. Really hard to pick and I’ve been back and forth. Avengers by a nose. Batman next. ASM good if gratuitous. Donald Duck high quality and FF good if a bit confusing.

    Action is also on the list but the JOWA as well. Sort of a retread of Jimmy Olsen #68’s Helmet of Hate.

    There is a lot to like about Incredible Hulk but the dopey Hulk face ruins it for me.

    Similarly DD shows great skill, but it is a really really boring cover.

    I guess Detective qualifies as a giant hands cover.

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