A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
Fantastic Four issue 264 page 27 by John Byrne. Source.
Batgirl by Bruce Timm. Source.
Fantastic Four annual 2 page 2 by Jack Kirby and Chic Stone. Source.
Journey Into Mystery issue 110 pinup by Jack Kirby and Chic Stone. Source.
Iron man versus Magnus Robot Fighter by Mike Allred. Source.
Daredevil issue 174 splash by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson. Source.
Miniature Jesus issue 1 cover by Ted McKeever. Source.
Popeye issue 12 cover line art by Roger Langridge. Source.
Bizarre Adventures issue 29 Lawnmover Man page by Walt Simonson. Source.
Green Arrow by Mitch Breitweiser. Source.
SHIELD versus Hydra by John Byrne. Source.
Avengers issue 2 page 24 by Jack Kirby. Source.
Doctor Strange issue 56 cover by Paul Smith. Source.
Doom Patrol by Kevin Nowlan. Source.
Thor issue 183 splash by Jack Kirby and Vince Colletta. Source.
Glad you liked the art from my Tumblr. That John Byrne can really draw a great Helicarrier huh?