Web Arted Oct 25thA gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.Scott VanderPloegOctober 25, 2013L'Art Pour L'Art1 A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days. Spider-Man by Olivier Coipel. Source. Black Dynamite by Jim Rugg. Source. Fantastic Four issue 87 cover by Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott. Source. Psylocke by Phil Noto. Source. Incredible Hulk issue 2 cover by Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko. Source. Wolverine/Nick Fury: The Scorpio Connection page 35 by Howard Chaykin. Source. Gravity by Phil Noto. Source. Rocket Girl issue 1 page 1 by Amy Reeder. Source. Conan The Barbarian issue 13 cover by Barry Windsor-Smith. Source. Doctor Doom by Art Adams. Source. Moon Knight by Alex Maleev. Source. Captain Marvel issue 14 cover by Frank Springer and Vince Colletta. Source. Batman Black and White issue 5 cover by Joshua Middleton. Source. Fantastic Four: The End issue 2 page 17 by Alan Davis. Source. Green Lantern by Declan Shalvey. Source. Tags# Alan Davis# Alex Maleev# Amy Reeder# Art Adams# Barry Windsor-Smith# Declan Shalvey# Frank Springer# Jack Kirby# Jim Rugg# Joe Sinnott# Joshua Middleton# Olivier Coipel# Phil Noto# Steve Ditko# Vince Colletta Scott VanderPloeg Scott works in I.T. but lives to eat and read. His other ramblings can be found at AE Index and eBabble. Art collection at Comic Art Fans. Articles: 1231 Previous Post TODAY'S SPECIAL: Mighty Avengers Next Post TrekWARS 2
The inking on Conan 13 looks like a swipe of the inks on Captain Marvel 14 or vice-versa. Which one came first?
The inking on Conan 13 looks like a swipe of the inks on Captain Marvel 14 or vice-versa. Which one came first?