Web Arted Sep 21st

A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days: Hughes, Maleev, Adams, Fuchs, Cooke, Lloyd, Miller, Colan, Darrow, Kirby, Hernandez, Steranko, Cho, Rivera, Edwards, Kunstler and more!

A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.

Stanley Kubrick by Ben Towle. Also looks EXACTLY like our own Walter Durajlija. Source.

Secret Avengers issue 35 cover by Art Adams. Source.

Spawn by Geof Darrow. Source.

Iron Man by Michael Cho. Source.

Occupy Comics cover by David Lloyd. Source.

America’s Women Get the Vote by Bernard Fuchs. Source.

Captain America issue 100 splash by Jack Kirby & Syd Shores. Source.

Captain America by Paolo Rivera. Source.

Bizarro by Jaime Hernandez. Source.

Doctor Doom by Alex Maleev. Source.

Retro Alien Love by Art Adams. Source.

Nick Fury by Jim Steranko. Source.

League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen by Adam Hughes. Source.

Spider-Man by Tommy Lee Edwards. Source.

Elektra Saga issue 3 cover by Frank Miller. Source.

Blue Woman by Darwyn Cooke. Source.

Doctor Strange by Gene Colan. Source.

Amazing Spider-Man issue 699 cover by Paolo Rivera. Source.

Nick Fury Agent Of SHIELD issue 4 cover by Jim Steranko. Source.

Stag Magazine illustration by Mort Kunstler. Source.

Scott VanderPloeg
Scott VanderPloeg

Scott works in I.T. but lives to eat and read. His other ramblings can be found at AE Index and eBabble. Art collection at Comic Art Fans.

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Anthony Falcone
11 years ago

Art Adams is knocking it out of the park on the Secret Avengers covers.

11 years ago

It’s nice to see Bernie Fuchs painting on Heritage. Commercial illustrators don’t have the fan base comic artists have so they tend to get lumped in with fine art or gallery artists. But unless you’re a Gary Kelly or Brad Holland, there is very little following for most illustrators… not much demand for a painting promoting mutual funds or crest toothpaste.

The painting presented here is very 80s. Many others like Bart Forbes and Toronto’s own Will Davies were practicing this style of painting. The style is a particular favorite of mine and the underlying draftsmanship is top notch! I wonder what they could do if they had an interest in comics… hmmm.