Week 11: xx

March 8th was International Women’s Day and I really should have put this post up last week so apologies.

There are some great female comic artists that I’ll be featuring all year long but this week lets reserve all the art to some great female artists.

What a stunning piece from Nicola Scott, this is page 18 from Earth 2 #2 from 2012.

Marie Severin is one of the better know female artists of the past, she shares art credit for this splash from Kull #2 from 1972.

I really like this Becky Cloonan piece she did for Batman #50, the big Wedding Issue!

Fiona Staples’ work on Saga has earned her well deserved accolades, this simple, clean standout piece can be found on page 24 of Saga #4.

Ramona Fradon should be celebrated more, I fell in love with her splash fro the unpublished The Cat #5.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Gerald Eddy
Gerald Eddy
4 years ago

Very nice grouping Walt! Thanks fir the inclusion if Fradon! She did some great work on Aquaman, but Metamorpho was my favorite!
The Marie Severin is certainly nice but you do see a lot if John’s work on the finishes. I have heard you and Owen talk about Saga… and while the splash here seems sedate it still intrigues me!

Chris Meli
4 years ago

All good – I dig the Staples the most – but we need a Lily Renee. The Planet covers are obviously the classics but Fight #36 has a good Senorita Rio splash.

Dave Mackay
Dave Mackay
4 years ago

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tim hammell
tim hammell
4 years ago

Nice work here, thanks Walter. So much intricate detail on the Kull.