I did a Time To Collect post on magazines early this week so I thought I’d lead with some art from a mag.
Rudy Nebres does stellar work on the splash page for Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #16, page 7.

Talk about movement! Jack Davis gives us a hectic scene from Two-Fisted Tales #36.

One of my Faves Vince Colletta shares with us Paulette’s dilemma: the guy with the helmet would be my pick, him and his dreamy eyes.

I had a nice John Buscema Red Wolf splash from the Avengers lined up but then I saw this Syd Shores splash to Marvel Spotlight #1 and I really like it.

Jim Starlin delivers what I think is one of the best Thanos splash pages ever, from Captain Marvel #28.

The Shang-chi stuff should take off when Simu Liu’s (John of Kim’s Convenience), movie comes out.
I was a big Nebres fan back in the day. The thing was, he was like a food that when you eat too much of it you feel weird/bad. I once ate a big bag of lime Tostios. Not as bad as that feeling, but along those lines. Anyway it’s been years since I even looked at a Nebres, so no problem in this case, great splash.
The Davis is great as was a huge amount of his work.
Where did Paulette come from? She should go with the hippie, it won’t end well but it will be a good story for the grandkids.
The Shores layout is good but the art is a bit too crude for me.
I liked Starlin more back in the day than I do now. Captain Marvel’s body is weird here and as not uncommon with Starlin, the overlay is visually confusing. At this point I feel like Starlin borrowed from too many places, e.g. from Ditko for his weird cosmicscapes. (“Amateurs borrow, professionals steal.”) At this point I think I would rather take my chances overdosing on Nebres.
I like all these, but its the Nebres thats the standout for me! It maybe because I have never seen it before. When I was in high school, the only people nerdier then us comic collectors were the martial arts fans! I suppose it made me steer clear of what I thought as Marvel jumping on the bandwagon!
Jack Davis…his style was all his own and he never let up… Remember all the T.V. Guide work he did?
Klaus, my family loves Kim’s Convenience. Thanks for the heads up about the movie.
McDonald’s is that fast food belly ache for me Chris. Rudy Nebres is a Filipino artist . And a great one. My spouse Josie is from there, and she grew up with comics. 15 children. She is proud of her Filipino comic artists.
I had to hide the fact I was a comic collector in high school Gerald . How times have changed. I was disappointed in the early 1970’s when Marvel went from Superheroes to a Monster and martial arts focus. But now I enjoy that weird little period. Very Unique.
Thanks for the Red Wolf splash Walt. Imagine..Syd Shores and Wally Wood artists and Garner Fox Writer…! Garner Fox, Comic book historians estimate that he wrote more than 4,000 comics stories, including 1,500 for DC Comics. Fox was also a science fiction author and wrote many novels and short stories. Its been calculated his DC stories are only surpassed in numbers by Robert Kanigher. Mr Fox had to leave DC after they refused to pay health insurance and other benefits to its older creators. Boy comic company s are stinkers eh???
This is all some amazing art here. I love the Nebres. I was lucky to meet Rudy at a con in Pittsburgh a couple of times. He was such an amazing artist. I would go by his table and he had tonnes of art there. Conan. Dr. Strange. Ka-Zar. Pieces of art that were 11×14 and full to the brim of art, every space filled with landscape and detail. This was 15 years ago or so. I don’t know if he still does any of the convention circuit or not. But I had a new appreciation for the man when I saw his art in person.
I don’t think they sell lime Tostios in Canada but if they did you bet I’d try some, you Americans are so lucky.
Dave, you know waaaay to much about old comic writers, explains a lot.
Great story on Nebres Chris, was he selling a lot at the cons? The Chang Chi above sold for over $4,000 about 5 years ago.