Comic Culture May 30th

The boys are back after a brief hiatus. Hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija don’t miss a beat as the tackle subjects like the continued success of the Avengers movie, Spider-Man and Batman movie news, Doug Schmell’s multimillion dollar comic collection going up for sale, the boys also tackle the Comic Culture Mailbag, a new gay character at DC and a gay wedding at Marvel, pick some notable books hitting the comic shops this week and freshen it all up with some cool comic book music so please sit back, relax and enjoy this week’s installment of Comic Culture the radio program that dares to ask the hard questions.

Comic Culture is produced by Anthony Falcone and is engineered by Mitch Bokstein.

Enjoy Comic Culture April 11th 2012 Edition:

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1842


  1. Goodness me chaps. Who the hell are “Brooks Brothers”? 🙂

    British high-street bookstore = Waterstones.
    Almost like if Walt was in the Flintstones.

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