This week Chris and Walt are joined by Shekky as the three amigos convene for their annual Valentine’s Day Poem Off. We can honestly say, with no hyperbole, that this was the worst set of poems we’ve ever read on air, but hey, there’s always next year.
Please let us know what you thought of this week’s show and of the poems; tell it to us straight, we can take it. Please leave your comment in the comments field provided below. Feel free to finger-snap clap at the end of each poem…
Yeah, so it’s easy to sit there and critique our art. Why don’t you give it a try: feel free to write your poems out in the comments field below.
I was drowning in narcissistic YouTube influencers…I need a savior
Somehow, somewhere I ended up with Walter Derailluer
With his deep soothing tones
and his knowledge of tomes
His splash page recommendations have never had a failure
Oh Spider, don’t encourage them!
C’mon Mel! Give it your best shot!
Okay Chris, but, remember, you asked for it!
If you’re trying to pen a good verse
I can’t believe you could do worse
than you’ve done in the past,
but, alack and alas,
to fine poetry you seem averse!
Not one of my best! Here’s one more in keeping with your taste in fine spirits!
I like to mingle with riff-raff
trading insult for insult
over beerstained counters
downing whisky in two ounce shots
parrying jovial blows
to the shoulder and back
in appreciation of this joke
or that pointed remark
and when the occasional fight breaks out
a genuine knockdowndragout bout of the century
started over money or women
I straighten my cap
and walk out the front door
treading softly and deliberately
because I am drunk
Now, I think I shall tuck into a wee dram of Te Bheag, to get the bad taste out of my mouth! Slainte! By the way, I wrote that last poem way back in 1977! Sums me up nicely.
Bravo!!! (Snaps fingers and thumbs) l. Love it!
Nice work to you both, Spider and Mel. (Snaps fingers and thumbs). Hey Chris, I don’t feel so bad about mine now…
I need to tell ya ’bout a man called Chris Owen
He keeps both the liquor ‘n’ the podcast a’flowin
his joyful timbre fights back the constant verbal assault
from that hirsute curmudgeon Walt
and for that he deserves so much more than this poem
(snaps fingers)
Love it Spider!! Someone has to keep the booze flowin’. Walt really is lacking…
I thought the poems were a little limp this year compared to Walts one about Wonder Woman.
My favourite was Walt’s ode to Wonder Woman from two years ago.
I found it so moving and hilarious I typed it out and still have it in my phone just to remind me why I’d have no chance of ever wooing Wonder Woman after him.
I was reading some news about how a recent scientific study believes that reading out loud to your partner/children increase their oxytocin levels which result in physiological bonding – it suggested that reading poetry to your loved ones stimulated the hormone production higher than other forms of reading.
I read this after listening to the podcast and thought ‘they obviously didn’t use Walt, Shekky and Owen’s cacophonic catastrophes in their study!!!
Spider, FYI, we are being used for a case study, just of a different kind…
Active Jim, you made me go back and listen to it to see what the fuss is all about and you know what ? It was a great poem, I think I’m losing my touch!
Spider- I have been reading Marvel Team-Up out loud to my wife & kids for the last few months &……they tell me to shut up ! Yeesh- the noive !! No respect for good literature !