Collecting and Investing Tips #23

Convention Tip #1. Develop a game plan. Yes, the convention season is about to kick into high gear and getting as prepared as you can will greatly increase your chances of

Prepare yourself for the convention season.

to do listYes, the convention season is about to kick into high gear and getting as prepared as you can will greatly increase your chances of buying wisely, having fun, maximizing your time and keeping your sanity. is offering up a series of convention prep tips that are designed to turn you into a lean mean con machine. You’ll learn to think with clarity, make good split second decisions, haggle with dealers and eat right along with many other needed skills that will enhance your convention experience. Usually tips like these on a DVD can cost $19.99 + S&H but CBD is posting them absolutely free.

Convention Tip #1 -Develop a game plan.

You know the con you are going to and you know the artists, writers, dealers, and celebrities that will be there. You also know about all the lectures, discussion groups, auctions and any other events as these things will be posted on the con website.

Sit down and ask yourself ‘why am I going to this con?’ Are you going to; fill the holes in your Flash collection, get your Goons signed, submit your Walking Dead comics to CGC, buy some Kirby original art, get dressed up like Sailor Moon, take a picture with Carrie Fisher, sell some comics to a dealer, try to pie Stan Lee or just enjoy the scene?

It’s good to actually create a to-do list because if you plan to do say, all the things mentioned above then you’ll have to make a tight schedule and execute it like a marine.

Some artists only sign during a limited window, same thing for the panels and speakers. It’s not enough to say ‘cool, William Shatner will be there’. Bill may be in a small room for 1 hour and it may cost $40 to get in. Study the con info and match it as best you can to your to-do list.

Comic cons are big deals these days and many people might only be able to make one of these big cons a year. Try to get the most you possibly can from the con by examining what it has to offer and then choosing the things you wish to do

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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