Undervalued Spotlight #180

value stamp bookvalue stamp bookMarvel Value Stamp Book Series A, Marvel Comics, Spring 1974

I’ve always been able to talk myself out of doing this post. Obviously I’ve caught myself at a weak moment. Perhaps its fitting though that I pull my 1-80 on Spotlight #180!

While it’s true that Your Mighty Marvel Value Stamp Book is not a true comic book and thus it could be argued that it does not belong on the Undervalued Spotlight, I’m allowing myself a bit of editorial wiggle room because I do believe that this is one of the key Marvel publications of the Bronze Age.

I’m saying that this little 16 page stamp book should be central to any Marvel Bronze Age collection. How can you argue against this? The Series A stamp book of 1974 is responsible for millions of dollars in lost collectible comic book value.

This little book is directly responsible for disappointing thousands upon thousands of collectors and investors.

This little book has made us all more diligent in looking through old comics before we buy them.

This little book has also helped CGC and in turn internet sales since the coupon was always a thing to worry about when ordering a book though the mail.

This little book should be owned by everyone who collects comics from this era.

value stamp 1The most famous of the 100 stamps in Series A is perhaps #54 Shanna the She-Devil. The missing Shanna stamp has been the bane of many a Hulk #181 collector. I personally always liked stamp #1 featuring Amazing Spider-Man, I used to buy up Thor #221s all day just because the Spidey #1 stamp was in it, I thought it would make that book worth more than the others. Maybe next guide.

Remember in Undervalued Spotlight #35 when I argued that a certain stamp featured was more collectible than the comic it appeared in. Ahh to be young again!

Here’s a great exercise. Add up all the 9.2 guide values of all the comics it would take to complete the Value Stamp book. I know most of the stamps appeared in several titles but even going with the cheapest issues I’m sure the total value would be substantial.

There is no Overstreet value for the Value Stamp book but it seems to be realizing $100 or so. I’m sure high grade unused ones can get more. As of this posting there are a few ambitious sellers on eBay looking for around $500. Wait these guys out and pounce on the next ones that come out on auctions.

Strengths that make this a strong long term collectible:

  • Central to the collecting of Bronze Age Marvels
  • The destroyer of comic book value
  • The catalyst for many positive changes perhaps most importantly getting people to check books more carefully
  • A fun while at the same time important comic book document

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Tom Berry
Tom Berry
10 years ago

Been collecting for decades and I’ve NEVER seen this book. Of course I never cut out value stamps either. All my books have them intact. Interesting.

7 years ago

My question is, “what was the point?!” You didn’t turn that book in for anything free from the comic shop or Marvel. It’s sole purpose in existence was the wholesale maiming of comics to turn a buck for people to buy 2, one to cut one to keep. Well, maybe. Most surely just
bought one copy. ARGHH! I hate these stamps!