Kirby 100: My First Kirby

Jack Kirby would be celebrating his 100th birthday this year, today in fact, and as deserved it’s a comic book celebration.

Avengers issue 16 cover by Jack Kirby and Sol Brodsky. Source.

I started collecting comics in 1980 and lucked into finding a great back issue resource at a local flea market. Right away I was buying Invaders back issues, mostly because of the Kirby covers. Being 8 creator names had no impact on me: I was reading comics based on characters, and found Marvel Triple Action shortly thereafter.

I then discovered a string of comic shops on James Street in Hamilton, and while perusing I was stopped dead in my tracks. On the back wall behind the cash of one shop was Avengers 16. I was awed by that cover, and admired it woefully because I could never spend $40 on a comic book.

While I’ve seen far better Kirby covers since then, Avengers 16 holds that high position in my nostalgic memory and as such was my first Kirby. I later came across the original art shown here and again had to admire it woefully because I couldn’t afford that price either.

Scott VanderPloeg
Scott VanderPloeg

Scott works in I.T. but lives to eat and read. His other ramblings can be found at AE Index and eBabble. Art collection at Comic Art Fans.

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7 years ago

One of my favorite covers in the early Avengers run. I also like his cover on #12 as well. Which doesn’t get much attention.