Captain Canuck Movie Gets Writer

Canadian screenwriter Arne Olsen has been chosen to write the script for Richard Comely’s still on track Captain Canuck big screen feature film. Olsen’s screen credits include Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie and Cop and a Half.

Regina, Saskatewan’s Mind’s Eye Entertainment owns the movie options to Captain Canuck and their progress on the film’s development had seemed stalled lately so getting Arne on board is great news.

Mind’s Eye has a solid track record of movie and television production, I just hope they pick the right guy to play the captain.

Here are a few of my suggestions for the movie; if they listen to at least 3 of them they will have a hit film on their hands.

  • Any train scene must have Neil Young as the train conductor
  • William Shatner must have a role, I suggest he play the Prime Minister
  • Captain Canuck should be played by either Jerome Iginla, Justin Trudeau or Marty Birthelmer
  • “how’s it goin, eh?” must be used at least once in the movie
  • It should come out that Captain Canuck is a Leafs fan
  • Comic book fan Burton Cummings should perform the music backed by BTO!
  • Winnipeg’s Doug Sulipa should make a cameo (5 guys might get this one!)
He’s already played Captain for a decade!
Our future Captain?
The dark horse
Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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11 years ago

Yes, of course a Leaf fan.