Fellini's Fanboy Letter Moebius

Visionary filmmaker Fellini fanboys over visionary comics artist Moebius in this wonderful letter found via the Airtight Garage tumblr!

[via The Airtight Garage]

Frederico Fellini is responsible for some of the most visually stunning motion pictures ever put to film. Moebius (born Jean Giraud) is one of the most amazing artists to ever put pen to canvas. While Fellini was well-known for his love of comic book art (as both a cartoonist and a comic book writer, notably with two collaborations with Milo Manara) this is one of the few times you get to see him fawning over an artist.

Below is a letter from the Master himself to Moebius, filled with quotables (“…Your visionary strength is too formidable.“) and presents us with a pretty cool cinematic what if: What would a singular visioned Moebius film look like?

click to embiggen


Bonus! Akira Kurosawa would have directed a version of Moebius’ Airtight Garage! Boo! What if projects are the worst most of the time. Damn you development hell!

Peter DeCourcy
Peter DeCourcy

Pete DeCourcy is a man of many talents. If you have any questions or demands of him he can be reached via comment below.

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Anton Staykov
Anton Staykov
12 years ago

Thank you very much for this letter. It was very useful for me, I’m writing an article in literature magazine about Moebius right now.