Ultimate Spider-Man not really dying

This will come as no surprise to comic fans but Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t dying, Ultimate Universe Peter Parker is dying and will immediately be replaced with a new character in a new Ultimate Spider-Man costume.  Lame.  It seemed odd that a hot book would have the title character killed off but for a second I thought Marvel was going to change the playing field and actually kill off a character.  Shame on me.  Image and press release  below.

New York, NY—April 18, 2011—Marvel has announced that after the shocking events of Death of Spider-Man, the sold out storyline currently running through Ultimate Comics Spider-Man and Ultimate Comics Avengers Vs Ultimates, there will be a new Spider-Man and a new character under the mask. Something’s happened to Peter Parker and here comes an all-new Spider-Man…in an all-new costume!

“We called this story Death of Spider-Man for a reason,” said Axel Alonso, Marvel Editor In Chief. “This is a huge story that’ll have fans around the world talking for a long time as we set the stage for the debut of our new Spider-Man.”

The Ultimate Universe is irrevocably changed with the conclusion to Death of Spider-Man in June’s polybagged Ultimate Spider-Man #160, but right now you can get in on the red-hot story that leads to the birth of an all-new Spider-Man, including new printings of the sold out issues.

Scott VanderPloeg
Scott VanderPloeg

Scott works in I.T. but lives to eat and read. His other ramblings can be found at AE Index and eBabble. Art collection at Comic Art Fans.

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Anthony Falcone
13 years ago

Malibu Stacy has a new hat.

Ed Campbell
13 years ago

So will the new Spider-Man be a clone?  Maybe it will be Ben Reilly.

Ryan P
Ryan P
13 years ago

OK I might as well come clean, I’m the NEW Ultimate Spider-Man.

Andrew Ardizzi
13 years ago

I’m completely surprised. COMPLETELY.

13 years ago

maybe the new guy will be the Ultimate Miguel O’Hara, the 2099 guy. the costume does kinda look like his