Cannonball !!!!!
Making a Splash has been a great exercise, it was fun and I learned a lot. I’d say the biggest surprise for me was the sheer power of Jack Kirby, I mean I knew it already but I just didn’t…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Making a Splash has been a great exercise, it was fun and I learned a lot. I’d say the biggest surprise for me was the sheer power of Jack Kirby, I mean I knew it already but I just didn’t…
I’m continuing to limit my Splash picks to ones I find in the eBay piles I’m working on during the week. My hope is to add some splash pages yet unseen online. John Spranger pencils and inks on this splash…
A couple of months ago in this column I talked about Good Girl Art covers and in the post I mentioned a few of the iconic ones and I also wrote that I wasn’t qualified to rate them. I’m walking…
Covers! While the number one driver of comic book demand and value is and will remain character introductions (I have some posts coming on that topic too) there is no denying that cover appeal is the second biggest comic value…
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 5 – Torchy #5, Artist – Bill Ward. Schwing! This one is on almost…
I haven’t been following the auctions at Hakes Americana & Collectibles because I find their categories confusing. Their recent Auction #209 – Part II that ended August 25th had a good haul of original comic and comic strip art, enough…