Undervalued Spotlight #447
Airboy #5, Eclipse Comics, September 1986. I was talking to a pal recently about how great an artist Dave Stevens was. Mr. Stevens died way too early at the age of 52 back in 2008. He did leave a lasting…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Airboy #5, Eclipse Comics, September 1986. I was talking to a pal recently about how great an artist Dave Stevens was. Mr. Stevens died way too early at the age of 52 back in 2008. He did leave a lasting…
Starslayer #2, Pacific Comics, April 1982. It’s always nice getting a guest Spotlight sent to me and it’s twice as nice when it comes from someone like long time Spotlight fan and contributor Carey. I like Carey’s picks, the guy…
The first of three volumes that reprint for the first time the classic Star Wars newspaper strip from 1979-1984 in its complete format — including each Sunday title header and “bonus” panels in their meticulously restored original color. Initially the…
IDW Publishing and the estate of Dave Stevens are pleased to announce a very special book honoring the work of this esteemed creator. Dave Stevens’ The Rocketeer: Artist’s Edition will be a mammoth 12” x 17” hardcover book printed in…
Comico Christmas Special #1, Comico, December 1988 The Christmas edition of the Undervalued Spotlight shines its festive light on the Comico Christmas Special of 1988. Talk about a gift that keeps on giving. Ho Ho Ho! Let’s start with a…
Sotheby’s had a Bande Dessinée auction this month with 288 items by European, Asian and American artists. Total sales were 3,821,947 Euros, or $4,026,421 U.S. dollars. For this Auction Highlight I’ll be looking at American works sold in this auction, with an…
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.
IDW Publishing is selling the “mammoth” hardcover Dave Stevens’ The Rocketeer: Artist’s Edition directly to consumers for pick-up in July at Comic-Con International or for home delivery after the convention. Is this another hit to Diamond Distributors? First Marvel goes…
There are a few sad things about the late artist Dave Stevens. Obviously the fact that a man so talented was cut down fairly young by cancer is pretty predominant. In conjunction with that is the fact we only ever…