Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag phillips

Web Arted Jan 20th

C.B. Daily Jan 9th

2011 In Review: Best Mini-Series: Criminal The Last Of The Innocent
It’s the end of the year which means it’s time to review the year in comics. In a year where there were a ton of exceptions mini-series and one shots (The Rocketeer Adventures is another great example), this one came…

NYCC 2011
Top July Collections
We don’t focus on upcoming books enough here at Comic Book Daily so for the last Pick Five of the month I’ll be looking at the top July 2011 collections that are supposed to ship. It’s a solid month with…
Review | 7 Psychopaths
Boom! Studios has just released 7 Psychopaths trade paperback; this series completely slipped under the radar and I only spotted it because of Sean Phillips doing the art. Originally published by Delcourt in French three years ago in that large…