Category Web Comics

Celerity Page 3

Beau Barbarossa AKA Red, as her blonde hair is naturally ginger.  However, Beau claims the nickname comes from her emotional attachment to Italian sports cars. Mechanic Beau As a boy’s name (also used as girl’s name) pronounced boh and is…

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Celerity Page 2

Kalila Corliss AKA Kali Navigator Kalila A girl’s name of Arabic origin, meaning  “Dearly Beloved”. Corliss Meaning carefree, cheery, benevolent.  Characterized by expressing goodwill or kindly feelings. Navigator [nav-i-gey-ter] noun a person who navigates. a person who practices, (or is…

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Celerity Page 1

Sebediah Aziza AKA Seb Racer Sebediah A boy’s name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Gift from God”. Aziza Is of Arabic and Hebrew origin and its meaning is “beloved, precious or mighty”. GR106 = Grand Race number one hundred and six.…

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MSC #59

Mike’s Stupid Comics is the brainchild of Mike Laidman: a semi-autobiographical “slice of life” tale featuring video games, ninjas, paintball and more! You can catch more of it over at

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