Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

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Read MoreTrekWARS 1
Upon re-reading my promptly-posted proceeding posts, which I put together for your personal pleasure. It’s obvious that I am still an amateur writer. Sure. While my own pursuit of legitimacy rages on in the distance, the delivery of fully fathomable…

X-Men #1 In Review
The book: X-Men #1 Marvel Comics Words by: Brian Wood Art by: Olivier Coipel Inks by: Mark Morales and Olivier Coipel Colours by: Laura Martin Release Date 05/29/2013 – Day-and-Date Digital Age Rating 12+ Only Why this book? An interesting…

MCM London Comic Con
This weekend is the MCM London ComicCon and I’ve (once again) managed to score myself an invitation… which I’ll be putting to good use on both days. With no Kapow! this year, this really is the best opportunity…

Character Design
In the days and weeks and months and years and decades that we’ve all been fascinated and consumed by art and story in comic books, I’d like to wager my hard-earned pounds that, during your time as a fan… you’ve probably attempted to create your…

FCBD 2013 in London
After much anticipation and (what feels like) an exponential growth in FCBD’s reputation year on year, I wanted to share some pictures of my own experience of the day in ol’ Blighty. I visited 2 shops in the centre of…

Star Wars/Star Trek crossover
Prior to JJ Abrams’ Star Trek reboot in 2009, it felt to me as though there were 2 distinct groups in the nerdscape. There were a) those whom liked Star Trek and b) everyone else. A common shift towards a…

Downey Jr & Iron Man 3 Cast In London
With comicsness all around me once again and a heightened swell in my bones for all things popular and cultured, I’m re-impacted with the smell and the sound and the taste of all the stuff I love the most and…

Good Hitch Vs ‘Bad’ Hitch
Broadly speaking, all people – artistic or otherwise – are naturally able to draw one of two things. No matter how good or bad you are with a pencil, it should feel more natural when drawing either people and animals……

Morrison: “Why I’m stepping away from superheroes”
I just found a post on NewStatesman from September last year and I think it’s worth sharing. NewStatesman is a knowingly highbrow, politically heavy, national media news site with an occasional lean towards pop-culture. Its content is (historically) conceived in a…

The London ComicCon
Sadly, It looks as though the Kapow! convention organisers’ could’ve made a big mistake by skipping 2013. The London McMcomicCon has hustled its way into Kapow!’s vacant hot-spot at the end of May, 24th through 26th and it’ll be held at the Excel Center in the…

In the interests of learning how exactly to sell my amateur artwork, I’d like to take an opportunity to — quite shamelessly — plug my latest project here and would encourage any feedback from anyone whom is kind enough to…