Downey Jr & Iron Man 3 Cast In London

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With comicsness all around me once again and a heightened swell in my bones for all things popular and cultured, I’m re-impacted with the smell and the sound and the taste of all the stuff I love the most and I’m seriously psyched to continue sharing and musing and debating upon these things with you all.

I’m back!  I’ve been away… but now I’m back.  I’ve been in a place where comic-culture is a distant and evasive pursuit.  I’ve been in South Africa on a farm in the Western Cape about 5 hours’ drive from any small chance of even seeing a comic book.  I was able to access the internet on an actual computer from time-to-time between adventures so, I did (kind of) manage to read the headlines and keep my pinkie on the pulse, to a point.

But mostly, I’ve been gathering a mass of curiosity and excitement geared towards catching up on exactly what the hell is going on in the nerdscape.

The day I arrived home in smokey London — after a 26 hour journey and possibly the best nap I’ve ever had — I made my way to the Comic shop.  A sweaty wad of Great British pounds in my sky rocket and a quickened haste in my footsteps.  After perusing and purchasing my picks, I finally hold in my possession a new handful of art and story to consume and keep… and I can’t wait to get home and indulge, since I haven’t seen anything ‘comics’ in some time.

Realising just how lucky I am to live so close to some of the best comic shops in the whole world having spent some time away, I’m walking to the tube through Leicester Square with music in my ears and a smile on my face.  When, suddenly I’m mobbed by a horde of camera-wielding maniacs all sprinting straight through me toward a commotion at the main ODEON cinema on the Sq.  I look around – still with music in my ears — to see Iron Man 3 posters lining the square, a special edition Audi R8 parked out front… and an excitable Robert Downey Jr waving his arms to a school of fans all dressed as their favourite Marvel characters and right before my eyes.

After weeks of nothingness on the comics front, I now find myself proudly clutching a stack of new books in one hand… while I’m unbelievably waving the other at bloody Tony Stark.











Downey Jr was excitable and gracious as he played and toyed with us fans.  He grabbed up a small boy from the front of the crowed and sat him in the R8, he was happy to take pictures with the growing group of fans and he stayed outside with us for quite some time.

There’s no way this movie won’t do incredibly well and it looks to have grown in scale and scope once more since the second instalment.  A wealth of new talent and a bigger, more dangerous-feeling story seems to raise the stakes on an already established amount of cool.  I can’t wait to see it, looks serious, and what a moment to stumble upon in a daze of half-asleep zombieness on a dusky Thursday evening in London Town.

I’ll take that as a “welcome back”.


PS: Please check out my WebComic!  I’ve posted 4 new pages on site since my last column and can see a notable drop in my traffic without prompting you (very kind) CBD readers to click through from here.  Please read it, love it, hate it… and then tell me.  Whatever man 🙂 let me know what’s up, I’d love to hear what you think.

Good to be back.

Say something.

Iron Man 3 Premiere - London

Boobs in comics?


Danny Champion
Danny Champion

Danny Champion is a freelance writer and artist. Follow CandyAppleFox on Twitter.

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Walter Durajlija
11 years ago

Holy Moly! Boobs in Comics!!!

I’m loving CAF – you do a great job showcasing her thing btw.

Welcome back Danny

Danny Champion
11 years ago

Ha… Yes Walt, thanks a lot! 🙂

London ComicCon on the 25th/26th May too, so it’s all about to kick off this end.

Both boobs AND comics are on my list of favourite things ever. Some really great posts on CBD in the last couple of weeks. Fun catching up.

Leigh Hart
11 years ago
Reply to  Danny Champion

Haha! I am assuming you have read my article then?

Ps. Awesome side boob photo!

Danny Champion
11 years ago
Reply to  Leigh Hart

Yes, it is. Of Course I read your post. I like to think I’m smart and artistic, so talking about the female form is both pleasing and inspiring.
Having said that… I am also just a boy.

I like to see real women in comics, which (to me) means curvy and classy and real.

Bums in Comics is also worth an article in my book.

Walter Durajlija
11 years ago

Asses in Comics! Love it.

We can start with all the creators that are too full of themselves …wait, that’s not what you meant was it?

Danny Champion
11 years ago

Ha… not quite, Walt but that could work too 🙂

Also, how do we think girls want to see dudes in comics? is more about character? (since they’re all beefcakes).

Dennis De Pues
11 years ago

Love the work your doing on Candy Apple Fox Daniel!Keep up the great work!
oh and welcome back!

Danny Champion
11 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

Yep… that’s basically it. All this was appearing on 2 big screens in the Sq as it happened.

Danny Champion
11 years ago
Reply to  Dennis De Pues

Thanks Dennis, I really appreciate that 🙂 *Crash! 3* is looking great too, I love the art on the water… great stuff indeed.


Tom Berry
Tom Berry
11 years ago

Hey Danny, Good article and photos. Now that you are back, I’ll email that art I promised to you. PS. Ironman may be popular on-screen, but here “My Little Pony” outsells him 3-1. Just proves movies have very little affect on comic book popularity…and prices

Danny Champion
11 years ago
Reply to  Tom Berry

Sweet, Thanks Tom, I’ll keep an eye out for that!

That’s a great point about movies but, I’m not sure I agree with you entirely… Among the speculators, (following the after-credits scene in Avengers as an example) there was a buzz around the first appearance of Thanos. When the Justice league movie was announced, there was a buzz around the first JLA books/first character appearances etc, Brave and the Bold 28 was it? So I think the movies do have an impact on the books for sure. Whether that’s the right kind of impact, I don’t know?! It would be nice to see non-comics people whom liked the movie, pick up the current books at the local shop because they liked the characters/story and they want more.

Who buys My Little Pony? Is it parents buying for their kids/daughters or is it speculative collectors whom will probably never even open the book or show it to a child?

I find that all a bit strange.