Web Arted Jan 2ndA gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days.Scott VanderPloegJanuary 3, 2014L'Art Pour L'Art2 A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last few days. Fantastic Four issue 271 page 2 by John Byrne. Source. Gods Portfolio Mailing Envelope Illustration by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer. Source. Power Girl by Arthur Adams. Source. Marilyn Monroe by Hajime Sorayama. Source. Captain America issue 110 page 3 by Jim Steranko and Joe Sinnott. Source. Van by Phil Noto. Source. Batman and Man-Bat by Alan Davis. Source. Batman ’66 by Kevin Maguire. Source. Galactus by Giorgio Comolo. Source. Super-Villain Classics issue 1 cover by Bob Layton. Source. Daredevil issue 161 cover by Frank Miller and Klaus Janson. Source. Conan the Barbarian issue 182 by John Buscema. Source. Mister X by Paul Rivoche. Source. Gotham By Gaslight promo by Mike Mignola. Source. Tags# Alan Davis# Arthur Adams# Bob Layton# Frank Miller# Giorgio Comolo# Hajime Sorayama# Jack Kirby# Jim Steranko# Joe Sinnott# John Buscema# John Byrne# Kevin Maguire# Klaus Janson# Mike Mignola# Mike Royer# Paul Rivoche# Phil Noto Scott VanderPloeg Scott works in I.T. but lives to eat and read. His other ramblings can be found at AE Index and eBabble. Art collection at Comic Art Fans. Articles: 1231 Previous Post Looking Forward to 2014 Next Post Will we see the return of Peter Parker?
That Galactus by Comolo is incredible. Never saw that one before.
Agreed on the Galactus piece.A bunch of nice shots in this collection Scott, but to me when you line them all up, the John Buscema Conan cover shows perfectly why he stands head and shoulders in a class all his own.