Pick Five | Comic Book Birthday Cakes

Good Work on the lunchboxes Scott. I prefer the Wonder Woman lunchbox myself.

Welcome to the second installment of Pick Five, where one of our writers picks five of whatever comic related “fill in the blank” that tickles their fancy.

Who doesn’t love cake? I know I do! Alas we can only drool and marvel at the 5 fine cakes below that surely made the birthday they were baked for all the more special.

5. Le Gateaux Asterix! So poorly done that it has to be delicious, manifique et formidable.

4. The Bub! For those sweet toothed X-Men fans that only like the Wolverine.

3. The Detention! Looks like a few time outs were issued here. Go to town Harry!

2. Your Father’s Beard! Yum, this scrumptious looking Barbapapa (barbe à papa) cake is the second French entry into my top 5. Little 2 year old Annette or Yvonne will surely soon discover that you cannot have your cake and eat it too. Tant pis!

1. The Dolf! There is something very wrong about this cake. I hope the kid it was baked for was at least 12. First dibs on the bullets.

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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