Comic Culture August 31st

This week Comic Culture hosts Chris Owen and Walter Durajlija old comic books selling for tons of money, the new Ghost Rider movie, the new Sin City movie, comic book “pressing”, as well as a complete recap of the just finished Fan Expo held in Toronto so kick back, relax and enjoy  Comic Culture, the radio show full of possibilities.

Comic Culture is produced by Anthony Falcone and is engineered by James McIntosh.

Enjoy Comic Culture August 31st 2011 Edition.

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Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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13 years ago

Hey Walt… did you get a good look at Matt’s press? Was it the dry mount model that photographers use or the heat transfer type? Any chance you got a look at the temperature setting? The only think I haven’t been able to figure out is how they apply the moisture without damaging the book although I’ve got a few ideas. If you consider the “flow” of business, it’s actually a questionable practice due to the lack of transparency, not to mention it skews the census. What do you say to setting up a press at your store and start flipping those books like hamburgers?

13 years ago

Coincidentally, I finally got my reply from Matt today. Of course the reply is as vague as all my other correspondence from industry experts. On one hand these same people are touting disclosure while criticizing collectors who are trying to make a buck… and yet, they ‘re all deliberately holding back information claiming “trade secret”… Why? So they can make the buck for themselves. I don’t mind free trade as long as it’s done fairly but I cringe when the “pot calls the kettle black”.
CGC is so political… it’s like WaterGate. It’s ComicGate! CGC get lots of books from guys like Matt, so in order for them to get business, they need to provide good results. Can you see the conflict of interest? If this isn’t market manipulation, I don’t know what is…
Walt, we can pick up a decent press for under $1k. We press 1 key book from a 9.2 to 9.4 and we’ve already made our money back. Throw in your stack of X-Force #2’s… now we’re talking early retirement!