Undervalued Spotlight #200

Brave and the Bold #200, DC Comics, July 1983. This is a great little comic that has no business being so little. Here we have the 1st appearance of the Batman and the Outsiders, it’s an anniversary issue, it’s the last issue of the title, it’s a double sized 64 pager and it’s ridiculously cheap at $12 in 9.2 grade.

brave and bold 200Brave and the Bold #200, DC Comics, July 1983

This is a great little comic that has no business being so little.

Here we have the 1st appearance of the Batman and the Outsiders, it’s an anniversary issue, it’s the last issue of the title, it’s a double sized 64 pager and it’s ridiculously cheap at $12 in 9.2 grade.

Batman and the Outsiders caught on quick; the team was given their own title the very next month, it went on to last 46 issues.

The Outsiders were most definitely inspired by Marvel’s X-Men, these were metahuman heroes who just did not fit into the mainstream Justice League. Batman founded the team after himself leaving the Justice League. The Outsider members included new characters Geo-Force, Katana and Halo, also on the team were Black Lightning and Metamorpho and of course Batman.

The team debuted in a 14 page story that acted as the back up to the 40 page Smell of Brimstone, Stench of Death main feature that starred 2 eras of the Batman.

One thing I learned while digging into this book is that it’s tough for a comic series to get to issue #200. Seems easy but it’s not and the vast majority of titles don’t even come close.

Most of the great Golden Age runs never got there, Whiz, Captain America even More Fun never got close.

Richie Rich made it but Wolverine didn’t.

Betty and Veronica did it twice, first with their 1950 series then with their 1987 series. Actually another related series Betty and Me made it too, it ended with #200.

Archie Publishing seemed to like calling it quits at #200, Jughead with Archie Digest ended in May 2005 at issue #200 and Jughead’s Double Digest just ended at #200 in February 2014.

I first thought that Jughead was the last title to end at #200 but then I realized Ultimate Spider-Man #200 was the final issue and that just hit the stands April 2nd 2014.

G.I. Joe a Real American Hero #200 just came out at the end of March, remember Marvel did the 1st 155 ending in 1994 then IDW picked the title up at #156 16 years later in 2010.

I think The Simpsons were the last start to finish title to get to #200, they reached the milestone in March 2013 and are still going strong.

Surely the 10 covers to Spawn #200 has to be a record for a 200th issue.

Marvel’s 1st title to #200 was Thor in June 1972, Detective Comics #200 was 1st for DC back in October 1953.

The Four Color title was the 1st comic to reach #200, that was way back in October 1948 and the issue features Bugs Bunny. Four Color caught up to Famous Funnies (the 1st title to reach #100) because Dell was cranking out the Four Colors at more than once monthly.

Detective #200 claims the highest Guide price for a #200 at $1,350.

My favorite #200s include Wonder Woman with the awesome Jeff Jones cover and Amazing Spider-Man because I remember running to the store to buy the thing.

The 43rd edition of the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide shows $8/$10/$12 as the 8.0/9.0/9.2 price splits.

Strengths that make this comic book a good long-term investment are:

  • 1st appearance of the Outsiders
  • Anniversary issue
  • Last issue in the title
  • Too cheap at $12

By the way a 200 issue run with its accompanying Annuals all bagged and boarded fit nicely into a comic long box.

So what #200 tidbits did I leave out?

What’s your favorite #200?

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

Articles: 1838


  1. Congratulations on making it to #200 yourself Walt. Many more to come…

    Amazing Spider-Man #200 for me. Lots to like about this book, and I am sure it will be a UV post itself some day.

  2. I remember your 100th post like it was yesterday… Congrats! I like Batman #200 and Thor #200, although I’ve got a special connection to FF#200 as well. Who can forget the epic battle between Doom and Mr. Fantastic after the death of Doom’s son.

  3. Thanks guys!

    Hope to post a bunch more!!

    Brave And Bold #200 has been all but ignored, it brings more than enough to the table to deserve better than its been getting.

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