Undervalued Spotlight #280

buffy 1Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8, #1, Dark Horse Comics, March 2007

Over the past couple of years there’s been all kinds of positive media on the rising number of female comic book readers. It’s often noted that there has never been so many great female characters, Ms. Marvel, Thor, Harley Quinn, A Force etc. all delivering great art and great storytelling.

One of the big beneficiaries of this trend is the local comic book shop. Go to any good local shop and you’ll see a steady flow of comic book culture fans young and old, male and female. We old timers know it wasn’t always like this.

Local comic book shops have come a long way and this week I’d like to focus the Undervalued Spotlight on one comic that had a lot to do with all this current goodness. This week I turn the Spotlight on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #1.

I remember this time quite well; there was so much excitement and dare I say pride at the comic shop level in the fact that Joss Whedon chose the comic medium to continue his Buffy exploits. What a vote of confidence for the industry that was! Here we have one of the most popular TV shows of that time ending and the creator entrusts comic books to keep telling the stories.

There was worry though, Buffy fans were mostly female and female customers were not exactly numerous in comic shops. I will say our shop had a lot of female readers coming in for Manga at the time but the Manga crowd didn’t turn out to be the Buffy crowd.

In the end there turned out to be nothing to worry about. Buffy fans ventured into the comic book shops; often it was their first trip in. I remember having discussions with the rest of the crew, we talked about how to change the store in layout and appearance in order to impress and keep these new customers.

Many comic shops obviously did the same. Buffy sold really well and we had a nice stream of fresh new customers coming in to buy them. I remember around that time Stephen King’s Dark Tower was being adapted for comic books, new material was actually being written I believe, that happened between points in the books. This was another new wave of customers coming in – book people.

Let’s get back to Buffy. I think this is an important comic, I think Mr. Whedon’s confidence in comics infused a huge boost of respectability in the medium. There were waves of writers and artists from other medium now willing to come over and explore the possibility of comics. For a little while anyway it was sort of like what the cable TV industry is going through now. Yeah! We don’t have to be ashamed we write/act/produce a TV series anymore. Same for comic books thanks in part to Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1.

Every good comic collection needs this comic in it’s because every good comic collection needs to have all those important game changing comics that have shaped and ushered in new eras. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 8 #1 was an important moment in comics and if you look around you I’d say it didn’t squander the opportunity the moment presented it.

Our shop, and again obviously many others, did a good job helping these new customers discover other comics they’d enjoy. Y the Last Man, Fables etc. were great comics to recommend. Some went further and began to explore the traditional Marvel and DC titles albeit skewing to female driven characters.

Buffy Season 8 was only supposed to go 25 issues but ended but being extended to #40. A nice healthy run that spawned other Buffy related titles. This is an important comic book that is not getting it’s due.

The 45th Overstreet price breaks for this book is $6 in the 9.2 grade split.

Strengths that make this comic a good long term investment are:

  • Important event in comic book history
  • Guide price way too low as of this post

Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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Mike Huddleston
8 years ago


I don’t know how undervalued this book is but I can tell you it is a very popular comic book. The first series Season 8 featured fab art from Jo Chen. Season 8 spawned Season 9 (25 issues) and a Season 10 is wrapping up this August at 30 issues.

I have a couple of young ladies who collect them all and of course get me to procure them.. All their friends read them as well and I have been told your bargain bins are void of them now too, or were as of Christmas.

Season 9 #1 is an issue that is very popular with young students with debt.

How can you go wrong for $6??

Scott VanderPloeg
8 years ago

It’s interesting from an historical television perspective, but not sure that translates into comic collecting back issue desirability. These same fans who came to the comic from the television show will buy the trade paperback or Library Edition before shelling out extra cash on a back issue.

8 years ago

Gotta totally agree with this one. It’s bizarre that the price is so low. This is an important milestone comic, an iconic cover, a mainstay pop culture character. My guess is that if there’s any kind of revival with Buffy this comic will suddenly launch. We’ll see.

8 years ago

Sorry Walt… but I”m not up to date on these new books. I read through your post twice but I’m not getting why this book is so “important”. What happens in S08, E1 to make this book noteworthy?

8 years ago

I see… but aren’t there many other books that take or continue the story line from a movie or TV show? I think what you’re saying is that Buffy S8, #1 is part of the canon… but what about:
• Man from Atlantis
• Indiana Jones
• Mission Impossible
• Battlestar Galactica
• Dr. Who
• Star Trek
• and of course Star Wars?

The Dark Horse Star Wars series was considered part of the Star Wars canon until Disney bought up the franchise, at which point they decided that the Dark Horse stories were no longer part of the Star Wars universe. Considering all the material out there, not sure who decides what is and what isn’t canon.

Personally, I think it’s easy to continue a series from film to print. Less cost, less management, less cooks in the kitchen. The reverse however, is much more difficult and thus a stronger indication of respect for the comic medium. The fact that stories such as Civil War and Infinity Gauntlet is being brought to live action is huge nod to the original comics. Which is why, despite being new books, these respective titles are all commanding a premium on eBay.

On this premise, I hope all you collectors are stocked up on Old Man Logan. IE: Wolverine #66-72 + Wolverine Giant Size #1 2008 series.


Although these books have all popped online… many dealers and collectors are asleep at the wheel. However, I wouldn’t hold these books long term.

8 years ago

No, you didn’t say this was the first but I’m just trying to understand why you singled this one out, considering that pretty much anything popular enough gets the comic treatment.

It’s not just publishing rights… I think we’re talking “canon”, assuming that’s what you think makes Buffy special. The problem is, who is the keeper of all the stories in all their incarnations. Joss Whedon today, but a new creative can walk in tomorrow and wipe out all that’s gone before.

I came across this. It’s a good of an explanation as any:
