Marvel Now!

So Marvel has just announced their big new initiative called Marvel Now!

Marvel Now! will launch new titles and re-launch old ones from October 2012 through February 2013.

Some of Marvel’s big name talent are being moved around for the project. Brian Michael Bendis is leaving the Avengers for a new X-Men book and Jonathan Hickman will end his run on Fantastic Four before kick-starting a new twice-monthly Avengers book.

That all sounds fine and dandy but then Marvel announces that Rick Remender will begin work on the flagship title of the new era, Uncanny Avengers, a book that will blend Avengers and X-Men characters into one super-team. Is it just me or does this sound like a terrible idea!

Marvel is stating a gradual roll out is a more humane approach than the cold turkey, clean slate approach taken by DC with their New 52. Marvel will be offering new jump on points to this Marvel Now! every week for a 5 month period. Is that going to be a good thing or a confusing thing?

Check out the poster released my Marvel.

Clockwise from top: Spider-Man, Hulk, Marvel Girl (Jean Grey), Nova, Iron Man, Nick Fury, Captain America, Rocket Raccoon, Wolverine, Cyclops, Invisible Woman, Cable, and Thor.

Company CEO Joe Quesada calls the piece “the tip of the iceberg” and he teasingly notes that Rocket Raccoon is destined for greatness!

FYI, Rocket Raccoon first appeared in Marvel Previews Magazine #7 back in 1976. Better start stocking up now!

That is a great Satana cover!

Here is Entertainment Weekly’s link to the story.


Walter Durajlija
Walter Durajlija

Walter Durajlija is an Overstreet Advisor and Shuster Award winner. He owns Big B Comics in Hamilton Ontario.

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12 years ago

Joe Quesada is the CEO now? Here’s a prime example of how drawing ability actually has no relation to “creativity”. Creative people are problem solvers… Drawing is nothing more then hand/eye coordination which pretty much any one can attain with repetitive practice.

The Marvel universe already feels homogenized so now they are making it official. What’s next, the Fantastic X-Men, the Amazing Defenders… the Incredible Four? Why not simply build on their Ultimate Universe?

Like any corporation, Marvel can only be as good as it’s leadership. Joe Quesada maybe capable in other ways, but Marvel needs someone with vision.

The above image looks much better graded. Behold… the power of Photoshop filters:

Scott VanderPloeg
12 years ago
Reply to  Charlie

Joe Quesada’s title is Chief Creative Officer and former Editor In Chief. Walt is incorrect.