I’m really not sure about this film. After watching the trailer below everything looks overly stylized, over processed and excessively digital. Have a look and judge for yourself.

Comic Book Daily
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Comic Book Daily
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
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I for one am looking forward to this!I loved the first one and if this can be as good as that one I will be pleased!It’s always tough following up something as fresh and bold that the first movie was but I will lay down my hard earned money for sure.Overly stylized, excessively digitized?I’ll wait and reserve judgement until I see it.But lets be realistic about our expectations here.It is Frank Millers vision come to life again and it will either live or die by his hand.And creatively he has proven to be willing to take the chance, and that is more than can be said for many other creators out there!