Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag guy davis

Guy Davis’ Swamp Thing
It’s no secret that Guy Davis is one of the best artists working in comics today. He’s well known for his legendary run on BPRD as well as one of the most underrated series of the 90s, Sandman Mystery Theatre.…
Matthew Dow Smith's Warm Up Sketches
Matthew Dow Smith is one of those great artists that’s work has been everywhere (X-Men to Hellboy and back again), he’s just a fantastic artist that deserves wider recognition, well – that’s what we here at CBD want to do.…
Of Mystery and Macabre: the Guy Davis Art Exhibition
On February 27, Artoriginals put on an art show featuring master storyteller Guy Davis. I’ve long been a fan of Guy’s deceptively simple art style, since I picked up the first collection of Sandman Mystery Theatre. Davis has long been…
More Info On: Of Mystery and Macabre: the Guy Davis Art Exhibition and Workshop
2009 Eisner award winning artist makes rare Toronto appearance artoriginals presents master of the macabre and B.P.R.D. artist Guy Davis, who will be making a special Toronto appearance at the Gladstone Hotel on Saturday, February 27 for an interactive workshop…