Funny Animal Comics
A few weeks ago I posted about how slow and neglected the Western genre was and asked what would it take to reignite general interest. This week I want to look at that other slow and neglected genre, Funny Animal…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A few weeks ago I posted about how slow and neglected the Western genre was and asked what would it take to reignite general interest. This week I want to look at that other slow and neglected genre, Funny Animal…
Four Color #279, Eastern Color, June 1950, Artist: Bill Wright. We’re getting less and less to choose from folks, there were only 38 covers to pick from today. Clearly the best of the lot was Bill Wright’s delightful Mickey Mouse…
Mickey Mouse #262, Gemstone, March February 1978, Artist: Ulrich Schroder. I did not find one cover today I could truly celebrate 🙁 We are 262 days in so getting this far along before hitting a rut should be seen as…
Batman #248, DC Comics, April 1973, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Mike Kaluta is my Novak, making a living in the era of Neal Adams and Bernie Wrightson means you have to elevate your game and Kaluta sure did, his Bronze Age…
Four Color #170, Eastern Color, November 1947, Artist: Harvey Eisenberg . Have a good look at this Four Color #170 cover! Fantastic work and composition from Mr. Eisenberg. The mood and lighting are perfect, the fear in their eyes, the tension…
It’s been said lately that we’re in a golden age of comic reprints, with a wide variety of classic material available in quality hitherto unknown. While this material is getting the deluxe treatment content has become something of an issue,…
The year is winding down so Pick Five will be focusing on top items for the remainder of the year to aid in reading and Christmas shopping. This week: top comic strip reprint collections. 5. The Complete Johnny Comet The…
Over the holidays Fantagraphics released their Spring 2011 catalog which covers new items until August; yes that’s well into summer but I didn’t name it. Feel free to browse it at your leisure but I wanted to highlight a few…