Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag Namor

Marvel Trading Cards

Review | Namor Visionaries: John Byrne Vol 1
Collecting the first nine issues of the 1990 series, Namor Visionaries: John Byrne Volume 1 is an interesting look back at a minor character’s chance to star again. Namor, the Sub-Mariner! The world’s first mutant! King of Atlantis! See one…

Defenders #3
Review: Uncanny X-Men #531
Writers: Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen Pencils: Greg Land Inks: Jay Leisten Colours: Justin Ponsor Letters: Joe Caramagna Cover: Greg Land and Justin Ponsor Publisher: Marvel Comics With the mutant flu ravaging Utopia, can Cyclops and the rest of the…
Geek Chic: Get Feet Like Namor's
We’re sitting around Comic Book Daily headquarters getting ready for day 2 of Toronto’s Fan Expo when I saw a tweet from artist Jaime McKelvie which said “Want to have feet like Namor’s?” Clicking the link brought up this webpage…