Justice League #148, DC Comics, November 1977 – Artist: Rich Buckler.
I’ve always liked Rich Buckler and actually have a friend named Vince that used to ghost for Rich back in the 1970s, Vince helped Rich draw FF #161 and Batman #264. This cover was all Buckler though and I love the superhero battle orgy!
For me Day 148 was one of the weaker days to date, there was no runaway winner as I saw it. I did like Captain America #148 with that picture frame art Marvel used so well in the 70s.
Girls’ Romances #148, she’s obviously an exhibitionist.
I don’t think you could get away with the Betty and Veronica #148 cover today, insensitive to say the least.
I think Famous Funnies has to lead all titles ever for Turkeys on the cover. And our Jowa has to go to Superman #148.
A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era.

Check out Action Comics 148 for insensitivity. This cover would be a no-go today.
Also, the way Jay gut punches Shadow Girl is pretty brutal at his incoming speed.
Have to agree with your assessment Day 148, Walt. The options were pretty slim, but I think you made a good choice even though this cover has the much tamer version of Power Girl’s costume.
And as the earlier comment from Klaus, I have a copy of Action Comics #148 and you cringe a little each time you see it, knowing it would never be published today.
I have always loved this cover. This is one of those covers that I’m usually trying to upgrade. That era and the white background makes it a tougher book to find in decent shape. And Derrick I totally agree with the PG costume being a little tame.
Power Girl looks like an angry soccer mom going after a ref for a bad call….