Week 48: Metals and Alloys
A little something from each of the older eras this week. The Silver, Bronze and Copper are from my eBay pile so I hope they are first-time views for most people. Big John Buscema never disappoints, check out this great…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
A little something from each of the older eras this week. The Silver, Bronze and Copper are from my eBay pile so I hope they are first-time views for most people. Big John Buscema never disappoints, check out this great…
What is it about Batman and guns, Bob Kane knew it was an irresistible combo and used it well in this splash for Detective Comics #72. Rich Buckler and Klaus Janson give us a very unique two page splash in…
Fantastic Four #330, Marvel Comics, September 1989. Artist: Rich Buckler. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime in with your favourite corresponding cover, from any era. Day 330 was disappointing, I…
Donald Duck #319, Gemstone Pub., September 2004. Artist: Marco Rota. I wasn’t happy with Day 319, so I protested and I picked the cover that made me smile. Marco Rota’s cover to Donald Duck #319 made me think “yeah, I’ve…
World’s Finest #283, DC Comics, September 1982. Artist: Rich Buckler. Rich Buckler’s cover to World’s Finest #283 wins hands down simply for the novelty. Is there another cover that attempts to create a half Superman/half Batman character. I wanted to…
Captain America #280, Marvel Comics, April 1983. Artist: Mike Zeck. I think Day 280 is a good day, lead by Mike Zeck’s very strong cover to Captain America #283. John Byrne’s cover to Fantastic Four #280 caught my eye, funny…
House of Mystery #267, DC Comics, April 1979, Artist: Mike Kaluta. Beautiful haunting cover from Mike Kaluta on House of Mystery #267, Kaluta is amazing. I had a flashback to the early days of Covered 365 thanks to Al Milgrom’s…
Four Color #246, Eastern Color, September 1949, Artist: Morris Gollub. We’ve seen Morris Gollub here before and I hope we see more of him real soon. All the Zane Grey Four Color covers are very cool and unique, Four Color…
Fantastic Four #158, Marvel Comics, May 1975 – Artist: Rich Buckler. Day 158 was a tough one, there was no clear winner so I went with my favorite of the bunch and growing up in the 70s has obviously influenced…
Fantastic Four #156, Marvel Comics, March 1975 – Artist: Rich Buckler. Fantastic Four #156 has always been one of my personal favorite Doctor Doom covers, we even get some Kirby Krackle. I did notice the rainbow Blackhawk cover, hard to…
Justice League #148, DC Comics, November 1977 – Artist: Rich Buckler. I’ve always liked Rich Buckler and actually have a friend named Vince that used to ghost for Rich back in the 1970s, Vince helped Rich draw FF #161 and…
Astonishing Tales #25 features the 1st appearance of Deathlok the Demolisher. The Frankenstein inspired character, a Cyborg reanimated from the corpse of American soldier Col. Luther Manning, was created by Rich Buckler. Doug Moench gets script credits and co-creator credits…