Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag billy tan

Suddenly/Meanwhile… | We Poppupians Have No Names!
Two Items of Awesomeness Through TUMBLR! First we Have Dan Hipp (Amazing Joy Buzzards and Gyakushu!) showing us what Shadowlands could have been had it not been hampered by Billy Tan’s art. And then the lovely Gail Simone lets us…
Shadowland: The Road Thus Far
Marvel’s big mid-2010 event is nearing it’s half-way point, and amidst all the hype preceding the first issue of Shadowland the series has been a let down. It’s not as though the series as a whole has been poorly written,…
Is Nova the New Man Without Fear?
Marvel has released the following teaser image featuring Nova flying through the rooftops of Hell’s Kitchen. The only text accompanying the image was the question “Who will be the new Man Without Fear?” along with the declaration of “Shadowland” changing…
Review: Shadowland #1
Writer: Andy Diggle Pencils: Billy Tan Inks: Batt Colours: Christina Strain In Daredevil: The List, the Diggle penned one-shot written last year tying into Dark Reign, the renowned assassin Bullseye destroyed an apartment complex and killed over 100 people in…
Marvel's Second "Shadowland" Teaser is much more interesting than the first.
Marvel Comics has released the second in a series of teasers for “Shadowland,” the new miniseries by Andy Diggle and Billy Tan that’s billed as the “battle for the soul of New York.” This one really should have been the…
Marvel's First Shadowland Teaser
I’m a trade waiter for Daredevil so I have yet to experience the Diggle era. I’ve heard really good things and being a fan of Andy Diggle I’m willing to sign on for what seems like a bit of a…