Covered 365: Day 111
Captain America #111, Marvel Comics, March 1969 – Artist: Jim Steranko. Poster art at its finest, this cover is so in the zone and of the time, its great stuff from Mr. Steranko. That Unexpected #110 was a nice surprise…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Captain America #111, Marvel Comics, March 1969 – Artist: Jim Steranko. Poster art at its finest, this cover is so in the zone and of the time, its great stuff from Mr. Steranko. That Unexpected #110 was a nice surprise…
In a previous edition of this column I talked about customizing action figures. In the comments section, a reader asked “How do I customize an action figure?” This is a tough question to answer, without having any specific details. Scott…
Now that fall is upon us, images are popping up on the interwebs of the toys that will be coming to Canadian retail before Christmas and early 2012. As you know from my other columns, I collect toys. G.I. Joe…
Characters are people too, essentially. They are characters, obviously, but at their heart what makes a character in any comic special is their humanization by the creators of that particular book. At the same time, if we have invested ourselves…
So it’s official, I have added another full time floppy to my pull list. For those of you who might be new to the column or may have forgotten, I don’t buy a lot of comics in floppy format. Traditionally…
If you’re not familiar with Project Rooftop then you’re missing out on some pretty great time wasting. P:R (my abbreviation, because that’s what I do) is a web site that hosts contests wherein you can submit redesigns for established superhero…
Marvel released this today: What do you think? 399311 as the combination? I’m going to open comments on this one!