brian Campbell

brian Campbell

Dr. brian Campbell is an Anthropologist based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. His PhD research focused on the used-goods trade in Halifax. Dr. Campbell is co-owner of East Coast Toys and Games, one of Atlantic Canada's largest eBay stores specializing in pop culture collectibles. Dr. Campbell left academia in 2019 to focus on his business. During his spare time, he researches Canadian comics that were released between 1960-1990.

Fun and Games

Sorry that it’s been a couple of months since my last column. It’s become increasingly difficult to make a living in Canada as a small business and we’ve been focusing on trying to make ends meet. This column is not…

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November ended up being a bit of a time warp. Tania and I caught RSV at Hal-Con and spent a couple of weeks recovering, only to get infected with Covid for the first time in the middle of the month.…

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Free Magic Tricks

I recently became acquainted with François Bourdages. Mr. Bourdages is one of the preeminent experts on bandes dessinées québécoises (BDQ), having previously curated a museum exhibit on the subject with historian Michel Viau in 2018 at the Musée POP in…

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Spring Cleaning

Welcome back to another edition of Forgotten Silver. As regular readers know, I did not publish a new column last month. East Coast Toys and Games appeared at three major events over four weekends in late March and early April,…

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Spectrum Addendum

Well, folks, I must say that I wasn’t expecting last month’s column, “A Spectrum Publications Checklist,” to receive such an enthusiastic response from readers. It obviously struck a chord. Quite a few people commented and numerous others contacted me privately…

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