Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Category The Big Comic Comfy Couch

Episode 13: The reality of the ‘Moon Knight’ cancellation

Episode 12: I object! (to Mark Waid’s ‘Daredevil’)

Episode 11: Bidding adieu to ‘Almost Heroes’

Episode 10: post-Schism battle lines drawn

Fan Expo Report: That’s a wrap, folks!

The Big Comic Comfy Couch – Episode 9: The Pro-Diggle edition + Daredevil Reborn
My…it’s certainly been a while, hasn’t it? For my first column back I thought I’d talk about something near and dear to my heart when it comes to comic books: Daredevil. The final issue of Daredevil Reborn dropped last week,…
The Big Comic Comfy Couch – Episode 8: Wizard World Toronto Day 3
Day three of the Wizard World Comic Con came and went, but it wasn’t nearly as bustling as it had been on Saturday. Being that it was much easier to get around the convention floor today, there was less of…
The Big Comic Comfy Couch – Episode 7: Wizard World Toronto Day 2
The second day of Wizard World’s Toronto Comic Con was my first of the three day stretch, and already I have to say that this year’s event is much better than the inaugural event last year. It was too spacious,…
The Big Comic Comfy Couch – Episode 6: The Dwayne McDuffie Memorial Edition
It’s funny to think as I write this that I scoffed at bringing my Justice League DVDs down from my parents’ place over the weekend. Maybe scoffed is a hard word, but essentially when I was over-packing my stuff I…
The Big Comic Comfy Couch – Episode 5: The Comic Book Death
Characters are people too, essentially. They are characters, obviously, but at their heart what makes a character in any comic special is their humanization by the creators of that particular book. At the same time, if we have invested ourselves…
The Big Comic Book Comfy Couch – Episode 4: The Buffy Season 8 Retrospective and a look forward to Season 9.
Welcome to another episode of the Couch, hosted by yours truly. It’s the first one in a while, so I apologize to my handful of fans out there in CBD land. To make up for it though, I thought I’d…
The Big Comic Comfy Couch: Episode 3 – What’s in a name?
A rose called by any other name wouldn’t be as sweet. Yet that seems to be what Marvel is up to. With Daredevil #512 last week, it will be the final issue (at least for now) to feature the renowned…
The Big Comic Comfy Couch: Episode 2 – Superman Earth One
It took me a lot longer to get my hands on one of these than I would have liked, but last Wednesday on a trip to Silver Snail prior to watching the Toronto Raptors DEMOLISH the 76ers, I found one.…
The Big Comic Comfy Couch: Episode 1
I’ve toyed with this idea for some time, and hopefully I’ll be able to make this a regular thing. So, for my first foray into CBD’s blogosphere, I’ll be looking at the this past weekend’s Toronto Comic Con. Like the…