Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag Howard Chaykin

Web Arted Nov 15th

Hi folks, welcome to ARCHIE G’s. I’m your waiter, Raoul. Here at ARCHIE G’s, we don’t think you can make a dependable Pull List decision based on the first serving of a comic. Publishers throw everything they’ve got at a…

Web Arted Sep 13th

Web Arted June 14th

ComicLink February Featured Auction Original Comic Art
ComicLink just wrapped up their February Featured Auction, which had a considerable amount of original comic art. In fact most of it was silver age, with a smattering of golden age and modern. A lot of great stuff, but the ones below…

Review | Marked Man
Chaykin’s latest crime drama takes us along a familiar route with some odd turns and unnecessary choices. To the casual observer, Mark LaFarge has it going on. He’s got a beautiful wife, cute kids, a McMansion in the South Bay…

Undervalued Spotlight #120
Military Comics #1, Quality Comics, August 1941 All the indicators seem to be telling me I’m wrong with this pick but I have a good feeling about this book and about the Blackhawks specifically. I like the Blackhawk property. Of…
Review: New Avengers #12
Suddenly/Meanwhile… | On Alex Toth and Black Canary
So about last week. I’m sure you may have noticed that this column went on a mini hiatus. Sorry about that. Had some stomach based maladies. The good news is that I got a chance to read some stuff and…
Suddenly/Meanwhile | Robot Sci-Fi Pulp Noir
Just A Thought | A Whole Lotta Grabbags
Another week and a ton of comic stuff to go over from the last time I did a grab bag column. For those of you who haven’t read one of my grab bags, I basically pick a few things and…