Studio 55
It was nice to find a box of old comics over at the warehouse. In an unmarked box, I found a stash that included a long run of Adventure Comics dating back to the 10 centers, also in the box…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
It was nice to find a box of old comics over at the warehouse. In an unmarked box, I found a stash that included a long run of Adventure Comics dating back to the 10 centers, also in the box…
I pooped on DC a bit in this week’s Time to Collect post so I thought I’d try and make amends by showcasing some fine 1960s DC splash pages. I thought I’d start with Carmine Infantino, the most 60s of…
I thought I’d lead off with a memorable splash from DC New 52’s Catwoman #1, from November 2011. I remember when this dropped and it created quite a stir. Guillem March is the artist that will live in infamy, I…
No obvious theme today, just happy it’s hot out and that comic shops are back open (in Ontario at least). I’m not familiar with Steve Kirkel, but his splash from This Magazine is Haunted #21 (1954) caught my eye. I…
My pal Alan was in the shop yesterday and he gave me a suggestion for this week’s Making a Splash post: feature some great double-page splashes! Nestor Redondo outdid himself with this beautiful double-page splash for Rima the Jungle Girl…
I was thinking of going hard on a Valentine’s Day theme but decided against it; I still added a few to remind us of what really makes the world go around. One of my favourite Undervalued Spotlights was when I…
Russ Heath is one to the finest artists in comic book history. In a career that began more than 70 years ago, he has worked for nearly every publisher. This Artist’s Edition Portfolio prints one of Heath’s most beautiful and…
DC Comics produced some of the very finest war comics ever, and by some of the best artists in the field. This spectacular Artist’s Edition will include an amazing selection of stories by the best of the best: Heath, Kirby,…
A work by Roy Lichtenstein has sold at auction for nearly $45m, a new record for the US Pop Art icon. Sleeping Girl, from 1964, went for $44.9m (£27.8m) at Sotheby’s New York sale of post-war and contemporary art. OK…