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Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag video games

Marvel Vs Capcom: Origins
Superheroes and fighting games go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Perhaps it is the often used plot device of heroes fighting each other before the obligatory team-up, or perhaps it is our own personal joy of taking on the…

Comic Con 2012 Recap

Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes
Available for: Xbox 360, PS3, Vita, MS Windows, Nintendo 3DS, Wii System Reviewed: PS3 There has never, in the history of video games, been a good Superman game. Sure, there have been passable games, and quite a few awful ones,…

Marvel Pinball: The Avengers Chronicles

Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3
Pretty sweet news out of San Diego: Capcom announced that in November there will be a souped-up version of MVC3. The new game will feature 12 new fighters including Ghost Rider, Hawkeye, Strider, and Firebrand. At $39.99 it will be…
WHOSOEVER HOLDS THIS HAMMER: With great power must come great shoryuken.
Whosoever Holds This Hammer appears every Tuesday (more or less) exclusively on Comic Book Daily. So over the last couple of weeks I have had a chance to sit down and play the much-anticipated Marvel Vs Capcom 3. The latest…
Just a Thought | Video Games and Comics… the new PB & J
I am dying to play the new Scott Pilgrim video game. Unfortunately I am an Xbox 360 owner (my tag is BCGrendel316 if you ever want to murder me in Halo) so I’ve got to wait a few weeks until…