Celerity Page 11


Dr. Felisberta Blaise

See Page 4

Leona Dureau
See Page 5

Kalei Carina
AKA: “Lucky Seven”
Apprentice – Masquerader
See GR107 Draft Day

Apprentice: Dureau – Celerity – Diary Entry #1
Day zero.  Just one more sleep until ’Lights Out’ and all I can think about is what to wear under my uniform!  My first assignment was to get a quote from each of the crew so, here are their ‘candid’ thoughts.

“In less than 24 hours, our natural, animal instincts will take over our souls causing a global show worthy of its billion glaring eyes and we’ll race to the finish with one simple, common goal.
To win.”

“You want Shakespeare or Plato?  If you wanna be serious, Pen… get me a drink.”

“A quote at this time would be arbitrary and dormant in its nature.  The ‘calm before the storm’ almost.  A more satisfying quotation would be extracted from its subject amidst the point of entry or ‘peak’.  Ask me again around midday tomorrow.”

“Arr, it’s so amazing, I’m so amazed by everything!  The people are amazing and the atmosphere’s incredible.  Just what I’ve been looking for… you know?  So amazing x”

“I’m just happy to be here, hun.”

“For me… it’s the most exciting thing that’s ever happened ever! and it’s just the beginning.  I hope to have a long career in the GRA.  I’m so lucky.”

Regular diary entries will now follow between race-phases.  Diary entries are required of all Apprentices.

Danny Champion
Danny Champion

Danny Champion is a freelance writer and artist. Follow CandyAppleFox on Twitter.

Articles: 104