James Stokoe's Godzilla episode is both loyal to its Toho origins and a goofy fun Stokoe romp.
Read MoreReview | Godzilla: Half-Century War by James Stokoe
Magnetic Press releases two JD Morvan and Bengal works in English for the first time.
Read MoreReview | Meka and Naja by J.D. Morvan and Bengal
Lewis & Clark explore the West, slaughtering everything in sight! But they're bloodthirsty monsters, so it doesn't feel TOO wrong.
Read MoreReview: Manifest Destiny Vol. 1
Liz Wynter exists in a world where individuality is not only discouraged, but statistically improbable. Of course, this is an adventure comic, so that is all about to change.
Read MoreReview | Wynter #1-2
Box Brown's loving and well-researched Andre the Giant biographical comic is touching, funny and larger than life.
Read MoreReview | Andre the Giant: Life and Legend
A new Kickstarter-supported anthology features 26 unexpected tales of horror.
Read MoreReview | Sleep of Reason: A Horror Anthology
Alec Longstreth's successfully-funded Kickstarter campaign has resulted in one of the most handsome graphic novels of the year, and the big pages let his detailed and engaging cartoons breath.
Read MoreReview | Basewood by Alec Longstreth
Katie Skelly's Operation Margarine impresses with its first 4 self-published issues and continues in graphic novel form in April.
Read MoreReview | Operation Margarine #1-4
Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios might have created the finest contemporary example of the weird western in comics with Pretty Deadly.
Read MoreReview | Pretty Deadly #1-3
A look back at some classic work by talented comics artists Richard Corben and Guy Davis.
Read MoreCreepy Presents Richard Corben and Baker Street
Hellboy's cousin (not really) Lord Henry Baltimore stars in yet another great adventure in his eponymous comic book.
Read MoreReview | Baltimore: The Infernal Train #1-3
Four stories written by four punk rockers and drawn by another one. What's not to like?
Read MoreReview | Loud Comix #1
In the world of subscription indie comics, there are few deals as good Kat Verhoeven's Towerkind.
Read MoreTowerkind #1-6
Jonathan Hickman's Avatar debut has potential but needs more meat if it's going to stand with his Image hits.
Read MoreReview | God is Dead #1-2
Ed Brisson explores an apocalypse before an apocalypse in Sheltered, a new series from Image.
Read MoreSheltered #1-3
Twins Gabriel Ba and Fabio Moon return to the Mignolaverse to carry Simon Anders' story into its next phase.
Read MoreReview | B.P.R.D. Vampire
Future Shock 3 & 4 offer up a weird and wonderful selection of short astro-sci-fi comics.
Read MoreReview | Future Shock 3 & 4
Master chef J.T. Yost delivers a smörgåsbord of interesting small plate comics.
Read MoreReview | Digestate: A Food and Eating Themed Anthology
Another round of minicomics that make having a PayPal account worthwhile.
Read MoreIndies: Titan, Post, Thinger Dinger, Lettuce Girl & Copra
Riley Rossmo invites a handful of great writers to his Dia de los Muertos party, and the results are fantastic.
Read MoreReview | Dia de los Muertos