Tag Fantagraphics

Night Fisher

R. Kikuo Johnson set the comic world on fire with his 2005 debut Night Fisher.  Unfortunately I wasn’t reading non superhero comics then and never heard of it.  Big mistake. [quote]First-rate prep school, S.U.V., and a dream house in the…

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Package Loss

Reflecting on the collected editions I’ve read over the last three months one thing stands out: publishers are skimping or dropping extras and supplemental material. Since the birth of the trade paperback softcovers have rarely included any extras, but their…

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CBD’s 52Qs | #14: “Which wonderful foreign comic needs to get more exposure on this side of the continent?”

Every week CBD’s Editor in Chief Pete DeCourcy asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans_Daily for the inspiration.…

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