Covered 365: Day 86
Green Lantern #86 – DC Comics, October/November 1971, Artist – Neal Adams. I didn’t want to do it but I had to. Green Lantern #85 and #86 are inseparable and unique in that they are a continuation of the same…
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Green Lantern #86 – DC Comics, October/November 1971, Artist – Neal Adams. I didn’t want to do it but I had to. Green Lantern #85 and #86 are inseparable and unique in that they are a continuation of the same…
Green Lantern #85 – DC Comics, August/September 1971 – Artist: Neal Adams. Controversial, shocking and much sought after. One of Neal Adams’ signature covers. A great comic book cover matching each day of the year, 1 through 365. Please chime…
One of the most critically acclaimed comic books to hit the stands in early 70’s was Neal Adams and Dennis O’Neil’s Green Lantern/Green Arrow run. I didn’t know much about DC comics but I was very familiar with Neal Adams,…
52 weeks. 52 different writers. 2 trade paperbacks or hardcovers a week. Each week I’ll take a look at a different writer and read two different collected editions from within that person’s repertoire to help in the examination of their…
It’s time for another update from BIFF SOCKO, TWO-FISTED NEWSHOUND. Biff Socko covers Comic Book News like zits on the A-V Club. Faster than Perry White! Stronger than J. Jonah Jameson! Hotter than Cat Grant! He is…BIFF SOCKO! DATELINE: Anaheim–…
Last November Anthony Falcone wrote an article about “Collecting Comics Like I Was 10“. The basic idea of collecting like your 10 years old is: “You bought comic books that you liked the cover for, or that had your favourite…
Every week Comic Book Daily asks the question and the crew (and special guests) give their answers; we’ll be doing this for 52 weeks. Tip of the hat goes to the gang at Scans Daily for the inspiration and Anthony…
More Fun Comics #73, DC Comics, November 1941 Now here’s a comic book that should be getting a lot more respect and a lot more attention. More Fun #73 introduces two major DC characters, Aquaman and Green Arrow. Both were…
Writer: J.T. Krul Pencils: Diogenes Neves Inks: Vicente Cifuentes Colours: Ulises Arreola Here we are again with another issue of the revamped Green Arrow, and it’s clear after this last issue that this isn’t your parents’ Sherwood Forest and surely…
Writer: J.T. Krul Artists: Diogenes Neves and Vicente Cifuentes In the wake of Blackest Night, numerous DC titles have been sporting the Brightest Day banner while others such as Birds of Prey and Green Arrow have been relaunched entirely under…
Review: Justice League: Cry for Justice (Hardcover) Writer: James Robinson Artists: Mauro Cascioli and Scott Clark Howdy folks, I’m back again with a special review of Cry for Justice, a seven issue mini-series starring a pro-active Justice League aiming…