Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.

Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Tag Cameron Stewart

Web Arted Jan 31st

Web Arted Oct 11th

Web Arted Oct 4th

Web Arted May 3rd

Web Arted Mar 15th

Web Arted Feb 22nd

Web Arted Dec 7th
A gathering of wonderful art spotted by yours truly these last seven days.

Web Arted Aug 10th

Web Arted Jun 22nd

Web Arted Jun 1st

Web Arted Apr 27th

Auteur Theory
So the DC Comic Solicits were released yesterday to a big underwhelming thud. It’s not that there weren’t any interesting ideas shown; see the wonderful solicit for Wonder Woman. It’s just I’m underwhelmed with a sense of not caring. I…
Cameron Stewart’s Digital Art For Batman & Robin
Cameron Stewart posted his amazing “pencils” from Batman and Robin #16 on his blog the other day. I would love to buy the original pages! Too bad they’re aren’t any. From Cameron Stewart’s blog post: Unfortunately, none of these pages…
Review: Return of Bruce Wayne #4
Writer: Grant Morrison Pencils: Georges Jeanty Inks: Walden Wong Colours: Tony Avina There’s something strange, in the neighbourhood. Who you gonna call? Bat-Zorro! Welcome to another review of Grant Morrison’s Batman mini-series, The Return of Bruce Wayne. We’re up to…
Stuff We Learned (and didn't Learn) at The 2010 San Diego Comic Con!
Kerschl and Stewart Take The Assassin’s Creed
Official Press Release Today, Ubisoft announced an Assassin’s Creed comic book mini-series is currently in development and due for release this fall. Developed by Eisner Award nominees and Joe Shuster Award-winning illustrators Cameron Stewart Batman & Robin, Seaguy and Catwoman)…
I Love Comics: Grant Morrison (Part One)
In Conversation With The Abominable Karl Kerschl
Karl Kerschl is one of the most in-demand artists working in comics right now. From his work on Superman with Greg Rucka to the critically and fan acclaimed Flash installments in the Wednesday Comics Project. However his heart seems to…

Wizard World Toronto: Cameron Stewart
I had interviewed Cameron Stewart last year at Fan Expo just before word had broken about his three issue stint on Grant Morrison’s Batman & Robin. This shouldn’t really have come as much of a surprise as Stewart been a…