Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Discussing the minutiae of comic book collecting.
Category Collecting Community
Crazy Comic Covers: Action Comics #593 The Suicide Snare
This week’s Crazy Comic Cover is a continuation of last week’s Action Comics where we left off with Superman and Big Barda falling down a pit dug by an alien in a sewer. Yeah, aliens spend their time digging death…
Auction Highlights #11 – Under the Radar
Collecting and Investing Tips #11
Undervalued Spotlight #11
Elongated Man #2, DC Comics, 1992 This is David Diep and I’ve decided to hijack this week’s Undervalued Spotlight from our regular writer; Walter Durajlija. After I saw that Walt put Fantastic Four #1 into last week’s Undervalued Spotlight I…
Crazy Comic Covers: Action Comics #592 "…A walk on the darkside!"
The Cover: It’s Big Barda with her phallic megarod about to cave in Superman’s skull, while Superman has got his fist zeroed in on her face! What could be the cause of this strife between these heroes? Well, it could…
Auction Highlights #10 – Mound City
Fox News Discovers the Joys of Comic Book Collecting*
(*Still probably hate Barack Obama.) Even though the guy reporting sounds like he’s chewing tobacco and/or a 1950s gangster in a b-movie, it’s a pretty interesting segment. Here’s the write up: ST. CHARLES, MO (KTVI-FOX2now.com) – Comic books are…
Investing and Collecting Tips #10
Undervalued Spotlight #10
Crazy Comic Cover: For Lovers Only #73 "Here Withers Love"
The Cover: Wow…it’s a dude spanking a chick on the beach. This will either be the world’s greatest comic or the world’s greatest disappointment if this scene isn’t in the story. Look at the fire in her eyes as she…
Auction Highlights #9 – Halloween
Collecting and Investing Tips #9
Undervalued Spotlight #9
Crazy Comic Cover: Jimmy Olsen #98 "The Bride of Jungle Jimmy"
Jimmy Olsen #98: “The Bride of Jungle Jimmy” The cover: Oh yes, another classic Jimmy Olsen cover from the brilliant minds at DC. Readers will note that this will not be the only time that Jimmy Olsen marries an ape…
Auction Highlights #8 – On the Fence
The ComicLink October Focused Auction that ended yesterday yielded some very interesting results. First off, these monthly comic auctions from ComicLink have turned into major events though some months are much better (in terms of quality of offerings) than others.…
Collecting and Investing Tips #8
Undervalued Spotlight #8
Crazy Comic Cover: Lois Lane #106 “I AM CURIOUS (BLACK)!”
The Cover: I am sure all of you readers have probably seen this cover many times before and had the same reaction. What the hell? Lois Lane steps into a body moulder that turns her into a black woman! The…
Auction Highlights #7 – Super Key – Not So Super Grade
In honor of this past Wednesday’s Collecting and Investing Tips #7 (where we looked at how to spot restoration on lower grade comics) this week’s auction highlights will look at the hottest of the hot – with a catch. There is nothing…